miniLockLib/Decrypt Operation

{tape, miniLockLib} = require "./test_setup"
Blob = window?.Blob or require "../library.compiled/Blob"
{Alice, Bobby, read, readFromNetwork} = require "./fixtures"

tape "DecryptOperation", (test) -> test.end()

tape "construct a blank miniLockLib.DecryptOperation", (test) ->
  test.ok new miniLockLib.DecryptOperation

tape "define data, keys and callback when decrypt operation is constructed", (test) ->
  callback = (error, decrypted) ->
  operation = new miniLockLib.DecryptOperation
    data: (blob = new Blob)
    keys: Alice.keys
    callback: callback
  test.same, blob
  test.same operation.keys, Alice.keys
  test.same operation.callback, callback

tape "or define the callback when start is called if you prefer", (test) ->
  callbackSpecifiedOnStart = ->
  operation = new miniLockLib.DecryptOperation
    data: new Blob
    keys: Alice.keys

Intercept run to verify the expected callback and end the test. = ->
    test.same operation.callback, callbackSpecifiedOnStart

tape "can’t start a decrypt operation without a callback function", (test) ->
  operation = new miniLockLib.DecryptOperation
  test.throws operation.start, "Can’t start decrypt operation without a callback function."

tape "can’t start a decrypt operation without data", (test) ->
  operation = new miniLockLib.DecryptOperation
    keys: Alice.keys
  operation.start (error, decrypted) ->
    test.same error, "Can’t decrypt without a Blob of data."
    test.same decrypted, undefined

tape "can’t start a decrypt operation without keys", (test) ->
  operation = new miniLockLib.DecryptOperation
    data: new Blob
  operation.start (error, decrypted) ->
    test.same error, "Can’t decrypt without a set of keys."
    test.same decrypted, undefined

tape "construct map of byte addresses in a file", (test) ->
  read "alice.txt.minilock", (blob) ->
    operation = new miniLockLib.DecryptOperation
      data: blob
    operation.constructMap (error, map) ->
      test.same map.magicBytes, {start: 0, end: 8}
      test.same map.sizeOfHeaderBytes, {start: 8,   end: 12 }
      test.same map.headerBytes, {start: 12,  end: 646}
      test.same map.ciphertextBytes, {start: 646, end: 962}

tape "read size of header", (test) ->
  read "alice.txt.minilock", (blob) ->
    operation = new miniLockLib.DecryptOperation
      data: blob
    operation.readSizeOfHeader (error, sizeOfHeader) ->
      test.equal sizeOfHeader, 634

tape "read header of a file with one permit", (test) ->
  read "alice.txt.minilock", (blob) ->
    operation = new miniLockLib.DecryptOperation
      data: blob
      keys: Alice.keys
    operation.readHeader (error, header) ->
      if error then return test.end(error)
      test.ok header.version is 1
      test.ok header.ephemeral.constructor is String
      test.ok header.ephemeral.length is 44
      uniqueNonces = Object.keys(header.decryptInfo)
      test.ok uniqueNonces.length is 1
      test.ok header.decryptInfo[uniqueNonces[0]].length is 508

tape "read header of a file with two permits", (test) ->
  read "alice_and_bobby.txt.minilock", (blob) ->
    operation = new miniLockLib.DecryptOperation
      data: blob
    operation.readHeader (error, header) ->
      if error then return test.end(error)
      test.ok header.version is 1
      test.ok header.ephemeral.constructor is String
      test.ok header.ephemeral.length is 44
      uniqueNonces = Object.keys(header.decryptInfo)
      test.ok uniqueNonces.length is 2
      test.ok header.decryptInfo[uniqueNonces[0]].length is 508
      test.ok header.decryptInfo[uniqueNonces[1]].length is 508

tape "decrypt uniqueNonce and permit", (test) ->
  read "alice.txt.minilock", (blob) ->
    operation = new miniLockLib.DecryptOperation
      data: blob
      keys: Alice.keys
    operation.decryptUniqueNonceAndPermit (error, uniqueNonce, permit) ->
      if error? then return test.end(error)
      test.ok uniqueNonce
      test.ok uniqueNonce.constructor is Uint8Array
      test.ok uniqueNonce.length is 24
      test.ok permit.senderID is Alice.miniLockID
      test.ok permit.recipientID is Alice.miniLockID
      test.same permit.fileInfo.fileHash.constructor, Uint8Array
      test.same permit.fileInfo.fileHash.length, 32
      test.same permit.fileInfo.fileKey.constructor, Uint8Array
      test.same permit.fileInfo.fileKey.length, 32
      test.same permit.fileInfo.fileNonce.constructor, Uint8Array
      test.same permit.fileInfo.fileNonce.length, 16

tape "decrypt version 1 attributes", (test) ->
  read "alice.txt.v1.minilock", (blob) ->
    operation = new miniLockLib.DecryptOperation
      data: blob
      keys: Alice.keys
    operation.decryptVersion1Attributes (error, attributes) ->
      test.same attributes, {
        name: "alice.txt.v1"

tape "decrypt version 2 attributes", (test) ->
  read "alice.txt.v2.minilock", (blob) ->
    operation = new miniLockLib.DecryptOperation
      data: blob
      keys: Alice.keys
    operation.decryptVersion2Attributes (error, attributes) ->
      test.same attributes, {
        name: "alice.txt.v2"
        type: "text/plain"
        time: "2014-08-17T07:06:50.095Z"